Hello, my name is Aaron and I'd like to say welcome and thank you for checking out my blog! I am currently taking a marketing class at Linn Benton Community College as part of a transfer degree program in which I will be pursuing a bachelors degree in Business Administration. My significant other had taken this course last spring, with the same instructor. As I needed to take this course as one of the required courses to attain the degree I'm looking to obtain, she had recommended that I take the course with the same instructor as her. Regarding what I hope to learn from this course, I look forward to fleshing out my knowledge in an area that is as significant as marketing is in the business world. I also hope to become more acquainted with marketing myself as an individual or prospective employee for future employment options. To understand where I'm at in life now, it would take going back a few years first...
Early on the morning of March 2nd, 2016 I was involved in a serious car accident, in which the three other passengers and I were taken to the hospital. We were honestly lucky to survive, due to the injuries we sustained we were held at the hospital for several days. After being discharged from the hospital to recover at home, with a prescription of pain killers, I became dependent on them. I continued taking them over the next two years, and at times that I didn't have them or take them, I would go through withdrawal. This led me to reaching a point of vulnerability or weakness at a time when I was unable to source any more. I then tried heroin. I quickly became addicted to heroin and stopped taking pain killers altogether. After a year and a half of crippling addiction, multiple arrests, warrants being issued for missed court dates, and spending close to a month in jail, I was given the opportunity to enroll in drug treatment court. I had spent the past 15 months in this program, having just graduated on September 23rd, 2020. I've been clean and sober for over a year now, and am grateful I've given myself the opportunity to return to school and continue rebuilding my life. The area outside of my education and recovery that I am most passionate about would be cars!
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